GitHub Repository Manager

The GitHub Repository Manager Integration have to be configured on your CDS by a CDS Administrator.

This integration allows you to link a Git Repository hosted by GitHub to a CDS Application.

This integration enables some features:

How to configure GitHub integration

Create the Personal Access Token on GitHub

Generate a new token on with the following scopes:

Import configuration

Create a yml file:

version: v1.0
name: github
type: github
description: "my github"
    username: your-username
    token: ghp_your-token-here
    urlApi: "" # optional, default is
    disableStatus: false    # Set to true if you don't want CDS to push statuses on the VCS server - optional
    disableStatusDetails: false # Set to true if you don't want CDS to push CDS URL in statuses on the VCS server - optional
    disablePolling: false   # Does polling is supported by VCS Server - optional
    disableWebHooks: false  # Does webhooks are supported by VCS Server - optional
cdsctl project vcs import YOUR_CDS_PROJECT_KEY vcs-github.yml

Add a repository webhook on a workflow

As a user, with writing rights on a CDS project

Select the first pipeline, then click on Add a hook.


Select the RepositoryWebhook, then click on Save.


The webhook is automatically created on GitHub.

What’s next?


My CDS is not accessible from GitHub, how can I do?

When someone git push on your Git Repository, GitHub have to call your CDS to run your CDS Workflow. This is the behaviour of the RepositoryWebhook. But if your CDS is not reacheable from GitHub, how can you do?

By chance, you have two choices :)

Git Repository Poller documentation

If you hesitate between the two: the RepositoryWebhook is more reactive than the Git Repository Poller.

I don’t see the type Git Repository Poller nor RepositoryWebhook when I add a Hook

Before adding a hook on your Workflow, you have to add the application in the Pipeline Context. Select the first pipeline, then click on Edit the pipeline context from the sidebar.

Pipeline Context Documentation

VCS events

For now, CDS supports push events. CDS uses this push event to remove existing runs for deleted branches (24h after branch deletion).