Bitbucket Server

The Bitbucket Server Integration have to be configured on your CDS by a CDS Administrator.

This integration allows you to link a Git Repository hosted by your Bitbucket Server to a CDS Application.

This integration enables some features:

Create the Personal Access Token on Bitbucket Datacenter

Generate a new token on https://your-bitbucket-datacenter/plugins/servlet/access-tokens/manage with the following scopes:

Import configuration

Create a yml file:

version: v1.0
name: bitbucket
type: bitbucketserver
description: "My Bitbucket Datacenter"
url: "http://localhost:7990/bitbucket"
    user: username-on-bitbucket
    token: the-long-token-here
    disableStatus: false    # Set to true if you don't want CDS to push statuses on the VCS server - optional
    disableStatusDetails: false # Set to true if you don't want CDS to push CDS URL in statuses on the VCS server - optional
    disablePolling: false   # Does polling is supported by VCS Server - optional
    disableWebHooks: false  # Does webhooks are supported by VCS Server - optional
cdsctl project vcs import YOUR_CDS_PROJECT_KEY vcs-bitbucket.yml

Vcs events

For now, CDS supports push events. CDS uses this push event to remove existing runs for deleted branches (24h after branch deletion).