
In CDS, it is possible to define variables at different levels:

Variable types

Existing variable types:

Placeholder format

All variables in CDS can be invoked using the simple {{.VAR}} format. To simplify the use between all the variable sources, we have defined the following prefixes:

Builtin variables

Here is the list of builtin variables, generated for every build:

The cds.version variable


CDS version is a builtin variable, it is transmitted through pipelines of a workflow run.

Export a variable inside a step

In a step of type script, you can export a variable as the following:

$ worker export varname thevalue

You can use the build variable in:

See worker export documentation

Shell Environment Variable

All CDS variables, except password type, can be used as plain environment variables.

Theses lines will have the same output

echo '{{.cds.parent.application}}'

Git variables

Here is the list of git variables:

Here is the list of git variables available only for Bitbucket server

Pipeline parameters

On a pipeline, you can add some parameters, this will let you to use {{.cds.pip.param_name}} in your pipeline.

version: v1.0
name: build

    type: string
    default: default_value


This will let you to use {{.cds.pip.param_name}} in your pipeline. Then, in the workflow, you can set the value for pipeline parameter in the pipeline context.

name: test-workflow
version: v2.0
    pipeline: build
      varname: the-value

You can use a Git or Builtin variable. example:

name: test-workflow
version: v2.0
    pipeline: build
      varname: {{.cds.version}}
      varname2: {{.cds.pip.param_name}}

Notice that you can’t create a pipeline parameter of type password. If you want to use a variable of type password, you have to create it in your project / application or environment. Then, in your workflow, use this variable to set the value of the pipeline parameter - the pipeline parameter can be of type string.

You can also access a pipeline parameter myparam of the pipeline mypipeline from another pipeline in the same workflow using {{.workflow.mypipeline.pip.myparam}}.


Some helpers are available to transform the value of a CDS Variable.

Example: run a pipeline, with an application named my_app. A step script:

echo "{{.cds.application | upper}}"

will display


Helpers available and some examples:

Advanced usage

You can use CDS Variables with default helpers:

{{ | default }}

You can use many helpers:

{{ | upper | lower}}
{{ | default | default | upper }}

Deep in code

Are you a Go developer? See all helpers on and some unit tests on