Release View


Release View


A release message :

#release:test a title

A release message with attributes :

#release:test #attr:EU #attr:CA a title

A release message with a forced date and attributes :

#release:test #attr:EU #attr:CA #date:2015-12-24 a title

And replies to complete informations about release :

#fix: a fix here
#feat: a new feature

First tag of reply will become a section (#feat, #fix, #whatever)


The screenshot above was created with these messages.

# Insert Release Title
tatcli msg add /Private/yesnault/Release "#release:2.0.0" -v

# get IDMessage from previous command

tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Major A message belongs to one topic only now."
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Major A GET on /Private/username/Tasks returns message in this topic and all message with label doing:username"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Major the field "topics" is kept for backwards compatibility"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Major new mongo index for more efficiency, with new field topic"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Chore logs/iot key"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Chore update deps"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Feat add async for /countEmptyTopic"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Feat add prod logger"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Feat allow http:// in tag"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Feat check date on list"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Feat list presences, get without topic name"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Feat remove condition on move msg"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Fix 401 if wrong auth"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Fix err on find topic"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Fix get msg in unknown topic"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Fix remove admin user"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Fix remove log fatal"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Fix remove unused log / return on unknown topic"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Refactor remove action bookmark"
tatcli msg reply /Private/yesnault/Release $ID_MSG "#Refactor task: add label doing and doing:username"


In plugin.tpl.json file, add this line :

"tatwebui-plugin-releaseview": "git+"

Add in config.json (client side) of tatwebui this attribute :

"releaseview": {

Set tracker with your issue tracker system.

Set keyword to your issue tracker.

Example : if you write a message like “feat: a big feature #RELEASE_KEYWORD:AAA-1”, an url will be generated on tatwebui : $RELEASE_TRACKER/AAA-1
