
Create a message on Tat by sending a mail. Mail2tat check an imap account and create a message for each mail received.

Tat Configuration

  • Add Read Write to user tat.system.mail on your destination topic
  • Check option : “System User can force dateCreation of message ?”

Simple usage

Send a mail to tat@your-domain with

subjet : <topicName>
Body : text of message

Example of subject : /Internal/YourTopic

Thread on Tat

Send a mail to tat@your-domain with :

subjet : <topicName>,<idGroup>
Body: text of message

Example of subject: /Internal/YourTopic,something


Time between sending mail and post on tat ? Each minute : check mail and send on tat. Restriction on From ? Yes, see arg : only @your-domain. All mail received from another domain are not send on tat.



mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd tat-contrib/mail2tat/api
go build
./api -h


./api -h
MAIL2TAT - Mail to Tat

  mail2tat [flags]

      --activate-cron                Activate Cron (default true)
      --imap-host string             IMAP Host
      --imap-password string         IMAP Password
      --imap-username string         IMAP Username
      --listen-port string           RunKPI Listen Port (default "8084")
      --log-level string             Log Level : debug, info or warn
      --password-tat-engine string   Password Tat Engine
      --production                   Production mode
      --url-tat-engine string        URL Tat Engine (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --username-tat-engine string   Username Tat Engine