API - Topics

Create a Topic


  • User can create a root topic if he is a Tat Admin.
  • User can create topics under /Private/username/
  • User can create topics if he is an admin on the Parent Topic or belong to an admin group on the Parent topic. Example: Create /AAA/BBB: Parent Topic is /AAA
curl -XPOST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "description": "Topic Description"}' \

Delete a topic

curl -XDELETE \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \

Truncate a topic

Only for Tat Admin and administrators on topic.

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA"}' \

Compute tags on a topic

Only for Tat Admin and administrators on topic.

Set “tags” attribute on topic, with an array of all tags used in this topic. One entry in “tags” attribute per text of tag.

Topic’s tags are showed with : GET https://:/topic/topicName

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA"}' \

Example of usage of tags attribute: autocompletion of tag on UI when written new message on a topic

Compute labels on a topic

Only for Tat Admin and administrators on topic.

Set “labels” attribute on topic, with an array of all labels used in this topic. One entry in “labels” attribute per text & color of label.

Topic’s labels are showed with : GET https://:/topic/topicName

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA"}' \

Example of usage of labels attribute: label autocompletion on UI when adding new label

Compute tags on all topics

Only for Tat Admin.

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \

Compute labels on all topics

Only for Tat Admin.

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \

Set a param on all topics

Only for Tat Admin and for attributes isAutoComputeTags and isAutoComputeLabels.

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"paramName":"isAutoComputeLabels","paramValue":"false"}' \

Truncate cached tags on a topic

Only for Tat Admin and administrators on topic.

Truncate “tags” attribute on topic.

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA"}' \

Truncate cached labels on a topic

Only for Tat Admin and administrators on topic.

Truncate “labels” attribute on topic.

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA"}' \

Getting one Topic

curl -XGET https://<tatHostname>:<tatPort>/topic/topicName | python -m json.tool
curl -XGET https://<tatHostname>:<tatPort>/topic/topicName/subTopic | python -m json.tool

Getting Topics List

curl -XGET https://<tatHostname>:<tatPort>/topics?skip=<skip>&limit=<limit> | python -m json.tool
curl -XGET https://<tatHostname>:<tatPort>/topics?skip=<skip>&limit=<limit>&argName=valName&arg2Name=val2Name | python -m json.tool


  • skip: Skip skips over the n initial documents from the query results
  • limit: Limit restricts the maximum number of documents retrieved
  • topic: Topic name, example: /topicA
  • topicPath: Topic start path, example: /topicA will return /topicA/subA, /topicA/subB
  • idTopic: id of topic
  • description: description of topic
  • dateMinCreation: filter result on dateCreation, timestamp Unix format
  • dateMaxCreation: filter result on dateCreation, timestamp Unix Format
  • getNbMsgUnread: if true, add new array to return, topicsMsgUnread with topic:flag. flag can be -1 if unknown, 0 or 1 if there is one or more messages unread
  • onlyFavorites: if true, return only favorites topics, except /Private/*. All privates topics are returned.
  • getForTatAdmin: if true, and requester is a Tat Admin, returns all topics (except /Private/*) without checking user access


curl -XGET https://<tatHostname>:<tatPort>/topics?skip=0&limit=100 | python -m json.tool

Add a parameter to a topic

For admin of topic or on /Private/username/*

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "key": "keyOfParameter", "value": "valueOfParameter", "recursive": "false"}' \

Remove a parameter to a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "key": "keyOfParameter", "recursive": "false"}' \

Add a read only user to a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "username": "usernameToAdd", "recursive": "false"}' \

Add a read write user to a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "username": "usernameToAdd", "recursive": "false"}' \

Add an admin user to a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "username": "usernameToAdd", "recursive": "false"}' \

Delete a read only user from a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "username": "usernameToRemove", "recursive": "false"}' \

Delete a read write user from a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "username": "usernameToRemove", "recursive": "false"}' \

Delete an admin user from a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "username": "usernameToRemove", "recursive": "false"}' \

Add a read only group to a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "groupname": "groupnameToAdd", "recursive": "false"}' \

Add a read write group to a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "groupname": "groupnameToAdd", "recursive": "false"}' \

Add an admin group to a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "groupname": "groupnameToAdd", "recursive": "false"}' \

Delete a read only group from a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "groupname": "groupnameToRemove", "recursive": "false"}' \

Delete a read write group from a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "groupname": "groupnameToRemove", "recursive": "false"}' \

Delete an admin group from a topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "groupname": "groupnameToRemove", "recursive": "false"}' \

Update param on one topic: admin or admin on topic

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic": "/topicA", "recursive": "false", "maxlength": 140, "maxreplies": 30, "canForceDate": false, "canUpdateMsg": false, "canDeleteMsg": false, "canUpdateAllMsg": false, "canDeleteAllMsg": false, "adminCanUpdateAllMsg": false, "adminCanDeleteAllMsg": false}' \

Parameters key is optional.

Example with key parameters :

curl -XPUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: admin" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordAdmin" \
    -d '{"topic":"/Internal/Alerts","recursive":false,"maxlength":300,"maxreplies":30,"canForceDate":false,"canUpdateMsg":false,"canDeleteMsg":true,"canUpdateAllMsg":false,"canDeleteAllMsg":false,"adminCanUpdateAllMsg":false,"adminCanDeleteAllMsg":false,"parameters":[{"key":"agileview","value":"qsdf#qsdf"},{"key":"tatwebui.view.default","value":"standardview-list"},{"key":"tatwebui.view.forced","value":""}]}' \