tatcli users -h

Command Description

tatcli user -h

User commands: tatcli user <command>

  tatcli user [command]

  user, u

Available Commands:
  list                          List all users: tatcli user list [<skip>] [<limit>]
  me                            Get Information about you: tatcli user me
  contacts                      Get contacts presences since n seconds: tatcli user contacts <seconds>
  addContact                    Add a contact: tatcli user addContact <contactUsername>
  removeContact                 Remove a contact: tatcli user removeContact <contactUsername>
  addFavoriteTopic              Add a favorite Topic: tatcli user addFavoriteTopic <topicName>
  removeFavoriteTopic           Remove a favorite Topic: tatcli user removeFavoriteTopic <topicName>
  enableNotificationsTopic      Enable notifications on a topic: tatcli user enableNotificationsTopic <topicName>
  enableNotificationsAllTopics  Enable notifications on a topic: tatcli user enableNotificationsAllTopics
  disableNotificationsTopic     Disable notifications on a topic: tatcli user disableNotificationsTopic <topicName>
  disableNotificationsAllTopics Disable notifications on all topics: tatcli user disableNotificationsAllTopics
  addFavoriteTag                Add a favorite Tag: tatcli user addFavoriteTag <tag>
  removeFavoriteTag             Remove a favorite Tag: tatcli user removeFavoriteTag <tag>
  add                           Add a user: tatcli user add <username> <email> <fullname>
  reset                         Ask for Reset a password: tatcli user reset <username> <email>
  resetSystemUser               Reset password for a system user (admin only): tatcli user resetSystemUser <username>
  convert                       Convert a user to a system user (admin only): tatcli user convert <username> <canListUsersAsAdmin>
  updateSystemUser              Update a system user (admin only): tatcli user updateSystemUser <username> <canListUsersAsAdmin>
  archive                       Archive a user (admin only): tatcli user archive <username>
  rename                        Rename username of a user (admin only): tatcli user rename <oldUsername> <newUsername>
  update                        Update Fullname and Email of a user (admin only): tatcli user update <username> <newEmail> <newFullname>
  setAdmin                      Grant user to Tat admin (admin only): tatcli user setAdmin <username>
  verify                        Verify account: tatcli user verify [--save] <username> <tokenVerify>
  check                         Check Private Topics and Default Group on one user (admin only): tatcli user check <username> <fixPrivateTopics> <fixDefaultGroup>

  -h, --help=false: help for user

Global Flags: see tatcli -h


Create a user

tatcli user add username email fullname

Verify account

tatcli user verify username tokenVerify

For saving configuration in $HOME/.tatcli/config.json file

tatcli user verify --save username tokenVerify

Ask for reset password

tatcli user reset username email

Get information about me

tatcli user me

Get contacts presences since n seconds: tatcli user contacts

tatcli user contacts 15

Add a favorite tag

tatcli user addFavoriteTag myTag

Remove a favorite tag

tatcli user removeFavoriteTag myTag

Add a favorite topic

tatcli user addFavoriteTopic /topic/sub-topic

Remove a favorite topic

tatcli user removeFavoriteTopic /topic/sub-topic

Enable notifications on a topic

Notifications are by default enabled on topic

tatcli user enableNotificationsTopic /topic/sub-topic

Disable notifications on a topic

tatcli user disableNotificationsTopic /topic/sub-topic

Enable notifications on all topics

Notifications are by default enabled on all topics

tatcli user enableNotificationsAllTopics

Disable notifications on all topics

tatcli user disableNotificationsAllTopics

List Users

tatcli user list

with groups (admin only):

tatcli user list --withGroups

Convert to a system user (Admin only)

tatcli user convert usernameToConvertSystem flagCanWriteOnNotificationsTopics flagCanListUsersAsAdmin

flagCanWriteOnNotificationsTopics could be true or false

flagCanListUsersAsAdmin could be true or false

Update a system user (Admin only)

tatcli user userSystemUser usernameOfSystemUser flagCanWriteOnNotificationsTopics flagCanListUsersAsAdmin

flagCanWriteOnNotificationsTopics could be true or false

flagCanListUsersAsAdmin could be true or false

Grant a user to Tat Admin (Admin only)

tatcli user setAdmin usernameToGrant

Archive a user (Admin only)

tatcli user archive usernameToArchive

Rename a username (Admin only)

tatcli user rename oldUsername newUsername

Update fullname and email (Admin only)

tatcli user update username newEmail newFirstname newLastname

Check a user (Admin only)

Check Private Topics and Default Group on one user:

tatcli user check <username> <fixPrivateTopics> <fixDefaultGroup>

Example :

tatcli check username true true