API - Presences

Add presence

Status could be: online, offline, busy.

curl -XPOST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: username" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordOfUser" \
	-d '{ "status": "online" }' \

Getting Presences

curl -XGET https://<tatHostname>:<tatPort>/presences/<topic>?skip=<skip>&limit=<limit> | python -m json.tool
curl -XGET https://<tatHostname>:<tatPort>/presences/<topic>?skip=<skip>&limit=<limit>&argName=valName&arg2Name=val2Name | python -m json.tool


  • topic: /yourTopic/subTopic
  • skip: Skip skips over the n initial presences from the query results
  • limit: Limit restricts the maximum number of presences retrieved
  • status: status: online, offline, busy
  • dateMinPresence: filter result on datePresence, timestamp Unix format
  • dateMaxPresence: filter result on datePresence, timestamp Unix Format
  • username: username to search


curl -XGET https://<tatHostname>:<tatPort>/presences/topicA?skip=0&limit=100 | python -m json.tool
curl -XGET https://<tatHostname>:<tatPort>/presences/topicA/subTopic?skip=0&limit=100&dateMinPresence=1405544146&dateMaxPresence=1405544146 | python -m json.tool

Delete presence

Admin can delete presences a another user on one topic. Users can delete their own presence.

curl -XDELETE \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Tat_username: username" \
    -H "Tat_password: passwordOfUser" \