Sources Configuration

DepC currently supports 2 TimeSeries databases : OpenTSDB and Warp10.


OpenTSDB is a scalable and distributed time series database. Please refer to the official documentation to learn how to query OpenTSDB.

DepC needs 2 information to query an OpenTSDB database :

  • a URL : http://my-opentsdb.local
  • the credentials separated by a colon : myuser:mypassword

Here is a really simple payload, to show you how to use it in your indicators :

    "tags": {
        "name": "{{ }}"
    "aggregator": "avg",
    "metric": "my.awesome.metric"


Warp10 is a Geo Time Series database. DepC uses the /exec endpoint to query it, so please refer to the official documentation to learn how to query Warp10.

DepC needs 2 information to query a Warp10 database :

  • a URL containing the API version : http://my-warp10.local/api/v0
  • a read-only token : myrotoken

Here is a really simple payload, to show you how to use it in your indicators :

[   $token
    {  'name'  '{{ }}' }
    $start $end

As you can see you can access 3 variables populated by DepC when running your indicator :

  • $token : the token provided in the source configuration,
  • $start : the start time of the analysed period, in ISO8601 format,
  • $end : the end time of the analysed period, in ISO8601 format.