
DepC provides 3 methods to compute the QOS of a node : using a rule, an operation or an aggregation.

You have to indicate your methods for each labels in your configuration. The following example is directly taken from the tutorial :

 "Apache": {
  "qos": "rule.Servers"   <-- rule-based QOS
 "Filer": {
  "qos": "rule.Servers"   <-- rule-based QOS
 "Offer": {
  "qos": "aggregation.AVERAGE[Website]"   <-- aggregation-based QOS
 "Website": {
  "qos": "operation.AND[Filer, Apache]"   <-- operation-based QOS

It’s important to understand the difference between these different methods.

Rule-based QOS

This QoS is based on datapoints available in a TimeSeries database : your nodes are monitored with some probes (CPU, RAM, HTTP Status Code…), and DepC analyses the result.

For example, you have some servers with these 3 probes :

  • probeX : retrieve the CPU load of the server,
  • probeY : retrieve the RAM usage of the server,
  • probeZ : ping the server.

These probes send their results in a TimeSeries database. You can create a rule containing 3 indicators, each indicator will query a probe metric. The step 3 of the tutorial explains how to do that.

You can use the following syntaxes in your configuration :

rule.'My rule'


A rule is composed of 1 or multiple indicators, usually a team uses one indicator for one probe. Each indicator returns its own QoS (the method is explained here.

DepC uses a AND operation between every indicators.

Operation-based QOS

Sometimes you can not use a rule-based QoS because there is no datapoint to analyse. In this case DepC can compute the QoS of a node using its parents QoS.

For example a Cluster is a virtual node, its QOS must be computed from its servers :

Cluster A
Server 1
Server 2

Here the servers could have a rule-based QoS, and you can use an operation QoS for the cluster.

We provide 4 types of operations :

  • AND : the cluster is OK if every servers are OK.
  • OR : the cluster is OK if only 1 server is OK.
  • RATIO : the cluster is OK if N% of the servers is OK.
  • ATLEAST : the cluster is OK if N servers are OK.


Consider you choose an AND operation : during the same time (or at the same timestamp if you prefer), the servers 1 and 2 were OK, but a problem occurred on the server3. The QOS of the ClusterA will be impacted. DepC repeats this using a lot of timestamps, so the QOS of the cluster can be computed.

You can use the following syntaxes in your configuration :

operation.AND()[Foo, Bar]
operation.OR[Foo, Bar]
operation.OR()[Foo, Bar]
operation.AND[A, B, C]
operation.OR()[A, B]
operation.RATIO(0.35)[Foo, Bar]
operation.ATLEAST(10)[Foo, Bar]

Aggregation-based QOS

Sometimes you don’t want to compare the states of different nodes because it’s not adapted. It can be useful when you have a lot’s of nodes.

For example imagine an Offer nodes containing 100 000 websites. It’s not useful to use an AND operation (“if one customer is not ok, so the offer is not ok”). Instead, we would rather compute the average QOS using an aggregation method :

  • AVERAGE : computes the average QoS,
  • MIN : returns the minimum QoS,
  • MAX : returns the maximum QoS.

You can use the following syntaxes in your configuration :

aggregation.AVERAGE[Foo, Bar]
aggregation.MIN()[Foo, Bar]
aggregation.MIN[Foo, Bar]


It’s important to note that an aggregation QoS can not be followed by an operation QoS.

Internally a rule or operation based QoS transform values datapoints into booleans datapoints (a list of timestamp:value becomes a list of timestamp:boolean). An aggregation QoS simply computes multiple floats into a single float, so we lose the list of timestamp:boolean DPS.

Exclude nodes from label average

You can exclude a node QoS from the average of its label. It can be useful for example if a server is in maintenance :

  "Apache": {
    "qos": "rule.Servers"
    "label": {
      "average.exclude": ["apache1"]

Here the apache1 node will still have a QoS but it will not affect the whole QoS of the Apache label.