


# constant buildReketResponse

Creates a response with data exposed and other response attributes exposed as readonly. This format will avoid having to access response.data in order to get the data. Imagine we have a HTTP with response promise as follow:

"data": {
  "shi": "ming",
  "foo": "bar",
 "me": "zot"
"headers": {

To access data in the promise you have to do something like:

Reket.get('/my/url').then((response) => {
  const foo = response.data.foo;
  // or const { foo } = response.data;
  // and then access the headers
  const headers = response.headers;

With ReketResponse format it's possible to get directly foo from response like so:

Reket.get('/my/url').then((response) => {
  const foo = response.foo;
  // or const { foo } = response;
  // and then access the headers
  const headers = response.getHeaders;

View Source response.js, line 63

Type Definitions

Object.<string, *> | Array

# ReketResponse

Represent a Reket response structure base. Non readonly attributes depend of the HTTP call.

Name Type Description
getConfig Object

readonly property that expose the original config of the request.

getHeaders Object

readonly property that expose the response headers returned by the HTTP call.

getRequest Object

readonly property that expose the original request that has been send.

getStatus string

readonly property that expose the response status (e.g. 200, 304, ...).

getStatusText string

readonly property that expose the status text of the response (e.g. "OK", "Not Modified", ...).

isReketResponse bool

readonly and internal only property.

View Source response.js, line 1