


Main class of the component. This class implements all CRUD methods (get, post, put, delete).

Simply configure a client (at least) and you will be able to make HTTP calls.


# new Reket(config)

Name Type Description
config ReketConfig | Object

An instance of ReketConfig instance or an object with the options for creating a ReketConfig instance.

  • ReketConfig constructor for available options in case of `config` parameter is an Object.

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# readonly client

Shortcut to get the configured client from config.

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# readonly config

Configuration used by Reket instance.

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# delete(urlOrReketRequest, optionsopt) → {Promise}

Send a DELETE request.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
urlOrReketRequest string | ReketRequest

An url where to DELETE or an instance of ReketRequest that will be passed to request method.

options Object <optional>

Options for creating an instance of ReketRequest in case of urlOrReketRequest parameter is a string.

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Promise returned by request method.


# get(urlOrReketRequest, optionsopt) → {Promise}

Send a GET request.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
urlOrReketRequest string | ReketRequest

An url to GET or an instance of ReketRequest that will be passed to request method.

options Object <optional>

Options for creating an instance of ReketRequest in case of urlOrReketRequest parameter is a string.

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Promise returned by request method.


# post(urlOrReketRequest, dataopt, optionsopt) → {Promise}

Send a POST request.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
urlOrReketRequest string | ReketRequest

An url where to POST or an instance of ReketRequest that will be passed to request method.

data Object <optional>

Data to be sent as the request message data.

options Object <optional>

Options for creating an instance of ReketRequest in case of urlOrReketRequest parameter is a string.

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Promise returned by request method.


# put(urlOrReketRequest, dataopt, optionsopt) → {Promise}

Send a PUT request.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
urlOrReketRequest string | ReketRequest

An url where to PUT or an instance of ReketRequest that will be passed to request method.

data Object <optional>

Data to be sent as the request message data.

options Object <optional>

Options for creating an instance of ReketRequest in case of urlOrReketRequest parameter is a string.

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Promise returned by request method.


# request(reketRequest) → {Promise}

Send an HTTP request with the configured client.

Name Type Description
reketRequest ReketRequest

An instance of ReketRequest as options.

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That returns an instance of ReketResponse in case of success, an instance ReketError in case of error.
