Migrate 0.49

CDN service

The release 0.49 introduced a new parameter in CDN configuration to disable and remove a CDN unit. In the previous version 0.48, you migrate log from CDS to CDN, by adding a temporary CDN Unit here. Time is coming to disabled it. In the next release (0.50), all logs data in CDS will be deleted, and CDN will become the only way to manage logs.

Disable CDS Unit

Add in your cdn configuration, the property “disableSync = true” for the CDS Unit

    syncParallel = 6
    disableSync = true
        host = "https://<your.cds.api>"
        token = "<your.token>"

Remove CDS Unit item from CDN Database

To remove CDS Unit items, follow these steps:

cdsctl -c prod admin cdn unit list
cdsctl admin cdn unit delete-items <unit_id>

Remove CDS Unit from CDN Database

To remove CDS Unit from CDN, follow these steps:

cdsctl admin cdn unit delete <unit_id>