
Remove an IP or IP block from a group's server list


--osh groupDelServer --group GROUP --host HOST [OPTIONS]

--group GROUP

Specify which group this machine should be removed from


Host(s) to remove access from, either a HOST which will be resolved to an IP immediately,

or an IP, or a whole network using the NET/CIDR notation

--user USER

Specify which remote user was allowed to connect as.

Globbing characters '*' and '?' are supported, so you can specify a pattern that will be matched against the actual remote user name.


Synonym of '--user *', allowed connecting as any remote user.

--port PORT

Remote port that was allowed to connect to


Use when access was allowed to any remote port


Remove SCP upload right, you--bastion-->server (omit --user in this case)


Remove SCP download right, you<--bastion--server (omit --user in this case)


Remove usage of the SFTP subsystem, you<--bastion-->server (omit --user in this case)

This command adds, to an existing bastion account, access to a given server, using the egress keys of the group. The list of eligible servers for a given group is given by groupListServers

If you want to add member access to an account to all the present and future servers of the group, using the group key, please use groupAddMember instead.

If you want to add access to an account to a group server but using their personal bastion key instead of the group key, please use accountAddPersonalAccess instead.