
Add an IP or IP block to a group's servers list


--osh groupAddServer --group GROUP --host HOST --user USER|* --port PORT|* [OPTIONS]

--group GROUP

Specify which group this machine should be added to


Host(s) to add access to, either a HOST which will be resolved to an IP immediately,

or an IP, or a whole subnet using the PREFIX/SIZE notation

--user USER|PATTERN|* Specify which remote user should be allowed to connect as.

Globbing characters '*' and '?' are supported, so you can specify a pattern that will be matched against the actual remote user name. To allow any user, use '--user ' (you might need to escape '' from your shell)

--port PORT|* Remote port allowed to connect to

To allow any port, use '--port ' (you might need to escape '' from your shell)

--protocol PROTO

Specify that a special protocol should be allowed for this HOST:PORT tuple, note that you

must not specify --user in that case. However, for this protocol to be usable under a given remote user, access to the USER@HOST:PORT tuple must also be allowed. PROTO must be one of: scpup allow SCP upload, you--bastion-->server scpdown allow SCP download, you<--bastion--server sftp allow usage of the SFTP subsystem, through the bastion rsync allow usage of rsync, through the bastion


Don't try the ssh connection, just add the host to the group blindly

--force-key FINGERPRINT

Only use the key with the specified fingerprint to connect to the server (cf groupInfo)

--force-password HASH

Only use the password with the specified hash to connect to the server (cf groupListPasswords)


Specify a number of seconds (or a duration string, such as "1d7h8m") after which the access will automatically expire

--comment "'ANY TEXT'"

Add a comment alongside this server. Quote it twice as shown if you're under a shell.


--osh groupAddServer --group grp1 --host --user '*' --port '*' --force --ttl 1d12h --comment '"a whole network"'
--osh groupAddServer --group grp2 --host --user data --port 22
--osh groupAddServer --group grp2 --host --user file --port 22

Example to allow using sftp to using remote user 'data' or 'file', in addition to the above commands:

--osh groupAddServer --group grp2 --host --port 22 --protocol sftp