Variables ========= DepC allows you to declare a variable that can be reused in your **indicator parameters**. A variable can be of the following types : - a string - a text - a number You can create it in the **Variables** menu within your team, for example : .. figure:: ../_static/images/guides/variables/indicator_variable.png :alt: Indicator Variable .. warning:: Checks are renamed **Indicators**. But the variable namespace prefix remains ``depc.check.`` for now. Here we declare a variable in the **Indicator** level : it means ``{{ depc.check.location }}`` will be replaced by the *FR2* value in all uses. Levels ------ To be as flexible as possible, DepC supports 4 levels of variables : - Team : ``{{ }}`` - Rule : ``{{ depc.rule.myRuleVar }}`` - Source : ``{{ depc.source.mySourceVar }}`` - Indicator (previously Check) : ``{{ depc.check.myIndicatorVar }}`` Builtins Variables ------------------ By default 3 builtins variables are available : - Name : ``{{ }}`` - Start: ``{{ depc.start }}`` - End: ``{{ depc.end }}`` These variables represent the 3 arguments sent to every indicators when launching a rule : .. figure:: ../_static/images/guides/variables/builtins_variables.png :alt: Builtins Variables Jinja2 Templating ----------------- After declaring it, you can reuse your variables with the `Jinja2 `__ syntax (calling the variables can be done within the ``{{ ... }}`` delimiters). .. note:: You can use the **iso8601** filter after your timestamp variables : it will convert the timestamp into its iso8601 value (``{{ depc.start | iso8601 }}``). You can also use the Jinja2 conditions. For example your can filter your timeseries by tags if the name was sent during the rule execution : .. figure:: ../_static/images/guides/variables/jinja_condition_1.png :alt: Jinja Condition 1 .. figure:: ../_static/images/guides/variables/jinja_condition_2.png :alt: Jinja Condition 2 .. figure:: ../_static/images/guides/variables/jinja_condition_3.png :alt: Jinja Condition 3