.. _grafana: Grafana ======= DepC provides two templates to bootstrap Grafana dashboards with information concerning your QoS. Installation ------------ .. warning:: You have to be manager of your team to use this feature. You must create the DepC source in your Grafana instance using the ``direct`` access. You must also create the ``token`` constant containing your read-only token. You can display it when you open a view throught the **Export to Grafana** button available in your DepC homepage : .. figure:: ../_static/images/guides/grafana/export_button.png :alt: Export Button :align: center .. figure:: ../_static/images/guides/grafana/export_modal.png :alt: Export Modal :align: center You can now copy the JSON of your wanted view (repeat the following operation for each view) and paste it in Grafana using the **Import** menu : .. figure:: ../_static/images/guides/grafana/import_json.png :alt: Import JSON :align: center .. figure:: ../_static/images/guides/grafana/import_json_2.png :alt: Import JSON :align: center .. note:: We only provide Warp10 export for now. Summary view ------------ This dashboard displays your average QoS and the evolution of each label. You can also quickly view the worst days by label. .. figure:: ../_static/images/guides/grafana/summary.png :alt: QoS Summary Details view ------------ You can use this dashboard to display the evolution of a specific node, filtering it by label and by name. .. figure:: ../_static/images/guides/grafana/details.png :alt: QoS Details