The Kafka Integration is a Self-Service integration that can be configured on a CDS Project. If you are a CDS Administrator, you can configure this integration to be available on all CDS Projects.
This integration enables the Kafka Hook feature.
Notice that Kafka communication is done using SASL and TLS enable only.
You can add a Kafka Integration on your CDS Project.
Create a file project-configuration.yml
name: your-kafka-integration
name: Kafka
hook: true
broker url:
value: n1.o1.your-broker:9093,n2.o1.n1.o1.your-broker:9093,n3.o1.n1.o1.your-broker:9093
type: string
value: '**********'
type: password
value: kafka-username
type: string
value: "2.1.1"
type: string
Import the integration on your CDS Project with:
cdsctl project integration import PROJECT_KEY project-configuration.yml
Then, as a standard user, you can add a Kafka Hook on your workflow.
You can also add a Kafka Integration with cdsctl. As a CDS Administrator, this allows you to propose a Public Kafka Integration, available on all CDS Projects.
Create a file public-configuration.yml
name: your-kafka-integration
hook: true
public: true
"broker url":
type: string
value: "n1.o1.your-broker:9093,n2.o1.n1.o1.your-broker:9093,n3.o1.n1.o1.your-broker:9093"
type: string
value: ""
type: string
value: "your-topic.cds-reader"
type: password
value: xxxxxxxx
value: "2.1.1"
type: string
Import the integration with :
cdsctl admin integration-model import public-configuration.yml
Then, as a standard user, you can add a Kafka Hook on your workflow.
You can use an integration kafka for two use cases: Event and Hooks. Example of file public-configuration.yml
name: your-kafka-integration
event: true
hook: true
public: true
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