GitLab Authentication

The GitHub Authentication Integration have to be configured on your CDS by a CDS Administrator.

This integration allows you to authenticate user with the GitHub Authentication.

Resume on what you have to do before using the GitHub Authentication Integration

  1. As a CDS Administrator:
  2. Create a CDS application on GitLab
  3. Complete CDS Configuration File

How to configure GitLab integration

What you need to perform the following steps:

Create a CDS application on GitLab

Notice: if you have already a CDS Application in GitLab for Repository Manager, you can’t reuse it for Authentication.

In GitLab go to Settings / Application section. Create a new application with:

Example for a local configuration: Redirect URI will be http://localhost:8080/auth/callback/gitlab


Complete CDS Configuration File

Edit the toml file:


      # Gitlab OAuth Application ID
      applicationID = ""
      enabled = false

      # Gitlab OAuth Application Secret
      secret = ""
      signupDisabled = false

      # Gitlab URL
      url = ""