The Secret
prerequisite allows you to require a worker to start with some project’s secrets when those secrets are not automatically injected.
Secret automatic injection can be disabled if a job requires to run in a specific region (using a “Region” prerequisite) that was added in CDS API configuration (key: skipProjectSecretsOnRegion).
The value for the requirement should be a valid regex. In the following example it is used to match both default SSH and PGP keys for a CDS project.
Example of job configuration:
- job: build
- region: myregion
- secret: ^cds.key.proj-(ssh|pgp)-test.priv$
Example of CDS API configuration:
skipProjectSecretsOnRegion = ["myregion"]
Example of CDS Hatchery configuration:
region = "myregion"
ignoreJobWithNoRegion = true