name: go-official-1.17
group: shared.infra
image: golang:1.17
description: official from https://hub.docker.com/_/golang/
type: docker
pattern_name: basic_unix
Import a worker model:
cdsctl worker model import ./go-official-1.17.yml
or with a remote file:
cdsctl worker model import https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ovh/cds/v0.54.1/contrib/worker-models/go-official-1.17.yml
If you want to specify an image using a private registry or a private image, you need to fill credentials in fieldusername
to access your image. And if your image is not on docker hub but from a private registry, you need to fill theregistry
info (the registry api url, for example for docker hub it’s https://index.docker.io/v1/ but we fill it by default).