CDS Worker
A pipeline is structured in sequential stages containing one or multiple concurrent jobs. A Job will be executed by a worker.
The worker provides some useful commands that can be used in a step, as worker upload...
, worker download...``worker cache...
On Windows OS, theses commands can be accessed with worker.exe [cmd]
worker artifacts [--workflow=<workflow-name>] [--number=<run-number>] [--tag=<tag>] [--pattern=<pattern>]
worker check-secret fileA fileB
Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
worker download [--workflow=<workflow-name>] [--number=<run-number>] [--tag=<tag>] [--pattern=<pattern>]
worker exit
worker export <varname> <value>
worker junit-parser
worker run-result
Override {{.cds.version}} value with given string. This value should be unique for the workflow and can't be changed when set.
worker tag key=value key=value
worker tmpl inputFile outputFile
worker upload {{.cds.workspace}}/fileToUpload
Print the version of the worker binary