
Script is a builtin action, you can’t modify it.

This action executes a given script with a given interpreter.



No Requirement

YAML example

Example of a pipeline using Script action:

version: v1.0
name: Pipeline1
- Stage1
- job: Job1
  stage: Stage1
  - script:
    - '#!/bin/sh'
    - echo "{{.cds.application}}"

Using CDS variables in a script

You can use CDS Variables in a step script.


Using CDS keys in a script

You can use CDS SSH keys and PGP keys in a step script with the worker key command. Just use worker key install proj-mykey and it will install the SSH/PGP environment and private SSH/PGP key of your key in your project named mykey.

The command worker key install proj-mykey will return the path where the private key is stored. In that way you can save this value in a variable and use it for a ssh command like this:

PKEY=`worker key install proj-mykey`
ssh -i $PKEY myuser@myhost echo "test" #PKEY only works with SSH key

Pay attention, to use a PGP key, please add in your pipeline requirements the binary named gpg.

Using worker CLI in a script

You can use worker CLI to make different actions





Make sure that the binary used is in the pre-requisites of the action.

If you use a shebang bash, sh, zsh or ksh, CDS will return a failure on your step if an executed command fails.

If you want to control command’s exit code, you have to add

set +e

Below is an example of a step that will fail at the first line:

which a-unknown-binary # Step will fail here, lines below won't be executed
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "binary a-unknown-binary does not exists"; # this won't be displayed
  exit 1
exit 0

If you want to display an error message before exiting, you should rather use:

set +e
which a-unknown-binary
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "binary a-unknown-binary does not exists"; # this will be displayed
  exit 1
exit 0