A job is composed of steps, which will be run sequentially.
You can use « built-in » actions, plugins or user-actions. Any user can create an action with the Web UI or cdsctl action command
Built-in Action
Built-in actions are available on all CDS installations.
- Artifact Download
- Artifact Upload
- CheckoutApplication
- Coverage
- DeployApplication
- GitClone
- GitTag
- JUnit
- Promote
- PushBuildInfo
- Release
- ReleaseVCS
- Script
Plugin Action
A plugin is a cross platform action. How to write a plugin
- artifactoryPromote
- artifactoryRelease
- checkout
- debianPush
- deployArsenal
- dockerPush
- downloadArtifact
- helmPush
- junit
- plugin-archive
- plugin-arsenal-delete-alternative
- plugin-artifactory-release-bundle-create
- plugin-artifactory-release-bundle-distribute
- plugin-tmpl
- pythonPush
- script
- uploadArtifact